I posted this comment on the CBC message boards the day of Obama's inauguration.
I feel that it is neccessary to point out that when you get past all the rhetoric and media spin and Liberal "Harper is Canada's Bush" advertising, and actually take a look at the policies, Conservative policies are actually much closer to Obama's positions than to Bush's (and closer to Obama's than those of the Liberals or the NDP).
Let me give a few examples:
Harper and Obama both support Cap & Trade carbon systems, Bush and the Liberals/NDP do not.
Harper and Obama both support universal health care, delivered in a way that is efficient as well as equitable. Bush did not.
Harper and Obama both believe in fiscal responsibility, the elimination of systemic deficits and the idea of spending only what you can afford. Neither Bush or the Liberals/NDP seem to believe this.
Harper and Obama both believe that creating a strong and stable democracy in Afghanistan is vital to western interests, and worth our troops being there. The Liberals/NDP seem not to agree with this.
Harper and Obama both believe that Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorist action, and that the reason there is still conflict in the region is the unwillingness of the Palestineans to make reasonable concessions (they were offered 94% of the land they wanted and East Jerusalem in 2000 and walked away without even putting a counter-offer on the table) The Liberals/NDP/the Media certainly do not take this point of view.
Harper and Obama both believe that North American energy security is a key concern and should be addressed. The NDP and some Liberals seem to want to shut down the oilsands, necessitating even greater imports from Russia, Venezuela and the Middle East.
This is only a few items on what is a very long list. Think about this before you label Harper as synonomous with Bush/Cheney neo-cons and as the anti-Obama.
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